Dry Eye Disease & Dry Eye Treatment
Do your eyes itch, burn or feel gritty? Do they water? Are your eyelids crusty in the morning? Does your vision fluctuate throughout the day? These are all symptoms of dry eye or of problems.
Do your eyes itch, burn or feel gritty? Do they water? Are your eyelids crusty in the morning? Does your vision fluctuate throughout the day? These are all symptoms of dry eye or of problems.
Dry eye is a condition which occurs when there are not enough quality tears to lubricate the eye. The eyes are either not producing enough tears or are producing poor quality tears. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. Tears provide lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infection, wash away foreign matter in the eye and keep the surface of the eyes smooth and clear. Poor quality tears lead to cell damage and death which creates inflammation on the surface of the eye. Dry eye disease is common, chronic, and often progressive.
Advanced dry eyes may damage the front surface of the eye and impair vision permanently.